Monday, January 4, 2010

Back to School!

Well, we've had a good first day back to school. We are using a bit of free time to blog about whatever is important to us at the moment. Some of us are writing about our breaks, some of us are writing about a poem/rap that we've written, and some are writing about important issues. I just want you to know that I enjoy reading your blogs. Your insight is profound.

I had a wonderful holiday break. I spent some time with my family. My brother, Kassem, is a Marine and he was actually able to spend Christmas with us. This is the first Christmas in two years that he has been home. Grace had her first Christmas and she was so cute! She loved playing with the wrapping paper and ribbons.

Did any of you make some resolutions? I did! I have decided that I am going to:
1) Watch less TV
2) Read more
3) Walk at least 5 times a week

What are your resolutions?


kanisha9 said...

On New Year's I made a resolution that in 2010 i will....

1)Drink more water
2)Get good grades
3)Work out
4)Do what i am supose to do
5)Do work first then play

Hey come check out my blog!!!!:)

Anonymous said...

My resolution is to not have a resolution so if I fail on it, I won't get super angry at myself. But I will make different goals as the new year passes by!

Kelsey's Blog said...

Hi, Mrs.Yearta! I haven't thought much about New Year's resolutions, but I do have a few gaols. Here are a few goals of mine...
1)Work out at my gymnastics more
2)Work harder at school
3)to be more socialable
4)smile more to my friends
5)be more active

Also if you would't mind could you please show me how to comment on other people's blog. I tried a few people and it wouldn't let me on.